Friday, May 6, 2011

Last Night’s Presidential Debate

It's only the beginning of May and the presidential electoral season has officially begun. The first Republican debate was held last night and topics ranged from economics and employment to abortion and creation/evolution. The pundits on TV were saying this debate lineup was some type of B-list because it was missing bigger players like newt Gingrich, Sara Palin, Mike Huckabee and a few others. Some of these bigger names in the Republican Party can basically copy and paste their positions from Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum who did participate. These guys have cookie cutter policies from George Bush for example. Herman Cain though, is about tackling the problem from a cost/benefit prospective but said himself that he would listen to the same advisers and "experts" that are in the white house. Will he be able to identify that the real problem is our "corrupt monetary system" that allows our government to borrow and spend endless amounts of money on wars, benefits and false economic prosperity at the expense of the middle class all the meanwhile the banks make huge profits and record bonuses? Then will he understand that the solution is to look no further then to the US Constitution and return to the principles of sound money, ultra low taxes, a non interventionist foreign policy and free markets? No one doubts Whether Cain is capable of understanding and solving the problem but we don't have the luxury of being proven wrong. We have heard things we've wanted to hear before from people like Reagan or Bush I and II, I was too young to hear them but you know what I mean, and we still had government expansion, entitlement expansion, wars and monetary stimulus. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are the only two in the Republican Party running for president that has what it takes to really make a difference, meaningful reform. But Ron Paul is the clear choice here; he is honest and consistent on the principles of economic and social liberty.
The only one who can get us out of just about every war and entanglement around the world and save us from the military industrial complex that Dwight D. Eisenhower so articulately warned us about. Who truly believes the sole root of the problem is the Federal Reserve and the dangers of using a worldwide fiat reserve currency system.