Friday, January 21, 2011

Price Inflation is coming to town

Reports of price inflation are surfacing around the world from places like; China reporting above 6% inflation and 10% for food. The United Kingdom is reporting higher than expected inflation of 3.4%. Algeria and Tunisia have reported food riots that have left more than 10 people dead. Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has stepped down after massive civil unrest. I know everyone is seeing gasoline prices increase, this is not because of greedy oil and gasoline producers, its inflation, pure and simple. Food producers to grocery stores from Dominoes pizza, Sara Lee, General Mill to SUPERVALU grocery chain have made statements saying that they have to raise prices. Printing money is inflation, rising prices is the consequence. Ben Bernanke has publicly said that inflation is too low and wants inflation to be at around 2% but the truth is that inflation is already at 4-5%. Commodities like sugar, wheat, corn, coffee, soybeans are making huge gains. Just today, cotton is up 2.83%, wheat up 2.59% and rough rice up 3.57%. Don’t wait until the media picks up on this, it will be too late and inflation will be running wild by the time individuals take action. We cannot hope for government to help because government is the source of the problem. There are no signs of our government slowing down their appetite for spending and Ben Bernanke is hell bent on printing money to keep longer term interest rates lower. We are past the point of no return, if Oh-bomb-ah keeps spending and Bernanke keeps printing, that guarantee hyperinflation, if they do nothing, we will see a massive recession or depression.

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