Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On the bright side

As the first month of 2011 comes to a close, it could have possibly set the pace for the rest of the year. Understand that the U.S economy is basically teetering off the edge which just about any light breeze could tip it right over but these situations could possibly be storms; California, New Jersey and others are on the verge of collapse. The dollar is on a very steep decline which could cause more debate on whether to continue the use of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  Interest rates are on the rise and are at an eight month high. Interest rates’ going north spells disaster for government debt, the housing market and just about everything associated with those two. Oil and other commodities are on the rise as a result of inflation. A higher price for food and gasoline is going to hurt the already high official unemployed at 9.4%, and real unemployed at around 15%. So in other words as far as the economy goes, 2011 will be the year were the beginning of the end takes place but not the end of life. Upon the disaster that awaits us I have been blessed with the knowledge of becoming a father.  Not all is lost; there is still a future, for anyone to conquer.


  1. Congratulations on fatherhood! Undoubtedly, it's definitely a life-changer.

    Agreed, the dollar's on a slippery slope and heading toward oblivion. With Russia and China entering into a trade agreement where they've ousted the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency (which the corporate-dominated mainstream media declined to report), will it be long before other major economies in the world decide to do the same thing?

    I came across your site through Blogger, specifically your noted interest in the U.S. Constitution. We have common ground there, however one thing I'm continually perplexed about is the conservative denial of corporate personhood (although Ron Paul has talked briefly about it), and the underlying dangers it has brought to our most basic democratic values. Why doesn't the Libertarian movement key on this, instead of chasing innocuous boogiemen like "big government" and "deficits"? Granted, these are potential problems, also, but the real snake-in-the grass is corporate power (unleashed by corporate personhood). It's our corporatist government (led by Democrats and Republicans) that's the real problem with government, not necessarily the size.

  2. Let me first thank you for reading my blog and I'm honored you took the time to read it.

    I read about the China/Russia agreement on inflation.us and its only a matter of time when the rest of the world does the same.

    Corporate personhood gives mega corporations a voice to be heard by Government that muffles the voice of the people. Politicians go where the money is and believe me, big corporations have lots of it.

  3. Exactly. Believe me, I understand all too well! My blog is attributed to this very issue (corporate personhood). As I previously mentioned, why isn't this an issue with libertarians and the Tea Party movement?

  4. I wish I knew the answer to that. It’s up to you to educate people about corporate personhood through your blog or just wait until the next crisis for people to give a damn.
